Wednesday, 14 March 2012


The audience that this programme may appeal to is people who are interested in technology or have a similar phobia to the people in the programme. This could appeal to both genders and more preferably the younger group from ages 14-18. The socio-economic status that would that would watch this is mostly classes D and E. This may not affect the older generation as much as they would not be as used to technology as the younger generation. Lastly, it would appeal to people at any ages that know about the phobia or want to know more.
The programmes/realities which are played mostly on BB3 are there to entertain while at the same time educating the young public; this is why this program would be shown on BBC3. The programme would be played at around the times 7-10pm because these are the times teenagers watch television. With teenagers and young adults targeted, the programme would most likely feature people around them ages; as it could relate to them which can attract them to watch it.
Media forms:
The type of  program that I am expected to see once broadcasted is would be a reality with informal language, maybe with a presenter or voice-over. Within the program I will expect to see different teenagers who are afraid of technology and how their lifestyle is.
When looking at the name ‘Technophobes’, I would assume that it would be about someone who is afraid/phobia of technology. This show could be represented negatively as the society we live is based around technology especially with the younger generation with things such as Facebook; could also show technology as a bad thing as too much can affect you.

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